In 1971, with Pasadena having grown and closed in around the area of Stratford House, the time had come to make a move and the clubhouse was sold. In the fall of
1972, the Club moved into its new home, the lovely old Italian villa on South Grand Avenue, Everett House.
The villa itself has quite a history. Originally, it was the winter home of the late Mrs. Henry Everett. Its large music room and art gallery were often the scene of musicals with such outstanding artists as the London String Quartet, the Coleman Chamber Music Association, and many young proteges, who received their start there. More recently, the home belonged to Mrs. Hal Crain and the late Dr. Crain, a well-known musician, who continued the villa’s musical heritage.
It later housed the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which added false walls and floors to cover the maze of wiring and to protect the original woodwork. The house was also used by the Navy for aircraft spotting and military offices during World War II. The Club’s Building Committee furnished the Everett Villa with many valuable treasures and nostalgic pieces. Outstanding are the old wrought iron chandeliers, one of which was even transformed into a large table in the Entry Hall; the stained glass window that dominates a wall in the President’s Room; Shakespeare etchings; and several heavily carved antique chairs.
View more photos of the Everett House here.